
Celeo Brazil will implement five projects related to culture, sports, education, and health, approved through the Fiscal Incentive Laws.

“Gallery of the Amazon and its affluents”, “Little Red Riding Hood, the Jaguar, and the SDGs”, “Centre for Excellence in Sports”, “Vision and Inclusion (of the Elderly))” and “Vision, Inclusion and Education (of children and adolescents))” are the projects Celeo Brazil will implement in 2024 under the Fiscal Incentive Laws.

Benefitting communities surrounding the undertaken initiatives and an alignment with the established business strategies are Celeo’s priorities for annually supporting projects related to culture, education, rights, welfare, health and/or sports through the federal tax incentive laws. In 2024, Celeo Brazil will be continuing with the same dynamic of making social contributions, doing so in the North and Northeast regions with programs that tackle important fields for health, development, and sustainability.

Tax incentives fall within the framework of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which lays down several strategic transformation points and even refers to taxes as an element to be considered in approaching contributions to the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals). Many of these practices are never implemented because they are economically unviable. Therefore, any fiscal benefit is key for breaking this market inertia.

Celeo is particularly sensitive to this type of projects and seeks to do its part in the search for a more sustainable world. Accordingly, under the auspices of the Culture Incentive Law, Celeo Brazil has obtained approval of the projects “Gallery of the Amazon and its affluents” and “Little Red Riding Hood, the Jaguar, and the SDGs”. With the Law of Incentives for Sport, the “Centre for Excellence in Sports” will be developed, while the “Law of Incentives for the Elderly” will promote the project “Vision and Inclusion”. Meanwhile, the “Vision, Inclusion and Education” initiative will see the light thanks to the Law of Incentives for Children and Adolescents.